Whole Sale Orders NOW welcome for 2024!
* one woman show creating pieces from ethically sourced vintage items,professional sublimation printing and vinyl work, laser engraving, as well as some sewing and machine embroidery.
* yes, I make everything you see here, myself in my own home - I do not use 3rd party printing (with the exception of keychains, socks and cards which are designed by me and professionally printed)
* some may attempt to duplicate but you can never beat the original Miss Egress!
* local pick up discount (Niagara Falls, ON) always available
* driven by anxiety and stubbornness, I embrace my awkwardness
What the heck is Miss Egress?
Combining her love of oddities and the kooky practices of the Victorian's the name Miss Egress pays homage to the brilliant Barnum (and Bailey's) Museum. Barnum's American Museum in the late 1800s was so popular that people would spend the entire day there. This cut into his profits, and the museum would be too full to squeeze another paying person. In classic Barnum style, he hung signs that said "This Way to the Egress." Many customers followed the signs, not realizing that Egress was simply a fancy word for "Exit." Customers kept searching the museum for this strange new attraction, the "Egress". They ended up following the signs right out exit the doors! Once customers exited the building, the door would lock behind them, and if they wanted to get back in, they had to pay another admission charge! Brilliant.
Miss Egress - Julia Rocha
It's me - Miss Egress - the mind behind all these hilarious and vulgar creations! Where to start? Well ... I have been running a creative business of some sort for well over 25 years and am a self taught mistress of a sewing machine, learning when I was 12 on the first electric model Singer ever produced. That machine would sew through anything (including thumbs) and had one stitch, forward and fast.
I am married to the most impressive and handsome 'beard' eve. He puts up with my crazy ideas, never ending hoard errrr I mean stash of vintage china and is my top shelf thrifting partner <3 we are proud fur parents to the craziest Nugget ever (GSP Boxer cross) and Bella (a potato with a chicken leg). Pre-COVID I loved to travel and visit abandoned or supposedly haunted places. Sadly the last few years retriggered my agoraphobia but I am slowly trying to overcome that.
Many times my TV will be playing some ridiculous paranormal or serial killer related show (or LIVE PD, I love that shit!). I also have a bizarre obsession with visiting Las Vegas - if given a choice its my #1location to venture to. I don't gamble much (same with drinking) but the buffet and people watching there .. except every time I go the weather seems to be abnormal shurgs
I tend to create things that make me happy. It seems odd to me to produce a product that doesn't light a fire filled passion inside you. I have HUGE hopes and dreams to grow Miss Egress, but right now, there just isn't enough time in the day. So for now she will continue to be a part time mistress that consumes every spare space in my home. I am thankful and beyond grateful for every sale I make and still do a ridiculous happy dance each time!
I am passionate (borderline obsessed) with the magical musical stylings of The Darkness - so much so I have them tattooed on my arm. I once traveled to Boston for 36 hours just to see them, which led to a cancelled flight home and sleeping in the airport only to be awoke by a state trooper.... And yes, I love tattoos - until recently I kept most of them hidden unless I wore short sleeves. I guess I am in my mid-life crisis?
I am the extremely proud and humbled Mother to one amazing teenage boy who never fails to amaze me with his kindness, wisdom and goofiness (and lately a lot pubescent funk that none of the parenting books warn you about!). During the day, people entrust me with the care of their small children - I have successfully built a sought after private home daycare - and love the monkeys that join me (even though it is the most challenging job I have had). Over elven years after leaving a career in retail management to start the daycare, I have never looked back. I work on average 55 hours a week but still manage somehow to find time to create.